
Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Hunt 2011...

On Easter Sunday, Orsen took the kids fishing, while I set up the Easter hunt.
When they came home they found their Easter baskets at the front door, with a note and a chewed up carrot.  There was ten clues which lead them to ten presents.
 The final clue was 'nesting'... Miss 6 screamed 'my nest' {from the Easter photo shoot}... she was correct.  While we were Easter hunting down the back, Orsen was busy placing the Easter eggs in her nest.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.
How did you celebrate Easter?
After our Easter hunt, we had lunch at my sister-in-laws.  The food was amazing... it felt like Christmas!
The kids had a swim with the cousins.  Another Easter egg hunt.  Then spent the night making up dances and put on a concert for the adults.  The night came to an end when Master 9 vomited :(

Today is ANZAC Day.
This is my mum's father, my Poppy Locke.
My 93 year old poppy fought in the second world war near Italy and was captured as a P.O.W and then he escaped and hid with an Italian family.  There's been a book written about him... Fighting with the enemy New Zealand P.O.W's and the Italian resistance, by Susan Jacobs.
Poppy and my brother Scott at the Dawn service parade, Whangarei, NZ. 25th April 2011.
 These two photos were stollen {borrowed} from my brother's facebook page.
ANZAC Day... Lest we forget.
Love Nikki xx


  1. Great photos! I just love the clue idea, that is sooo great

  2. Linda from Yorba Linda

    I just can't say it enough....beautiful kids....beautiful life!! Savor every second!! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  3. Wow! Your Easter and the photos thereof are utterly amazing!! Our Easter celebration is pretty dull by comparison. I'm a church musician, so I spend alot of time there on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Saturday evening vigil and Sunday morning. I've really cut down on candy the past couple of years, but I can't stop entirely. My 17 year old son asked me on Saturday afternoon if there would be Easter baskets. I told him he would need to wait and see. I repeated that response for the next 5 times he asked the same question. I don't think he was disappointed. Dinner with extended family at my sister's house, that is always a pleasant time.

  4. Looks Like you guys have a super fun and great easter.
