
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wordless Wednesday.... Easter tip # 1

Don't leave your Easter eggs in the car, while you stop and run a few errands.
Love Nikki xx


  1. poor bunnies... still good to eat though ;-)

  2. That is hilarious!! I had some Rees's chocolate Easter eggs in the car yesterday but luckily I only satyed in the next store about 10 minutes. Whew!
    Hey I'm sharing your amazing Easter tree on my What I'm Diggin Wednesday for my readers to check out! I remembered it from when you posted it a while back and loved it then. I'm writing it now, should be posted soon,

  3. Poor bunnies! That happened to my chocolate fish, except it was on the dining table and is inedible as it melted into the plastic fill!

  4. That is so funny, I printed the picture and put it on my message board. I also loved your Easter tree. My grandson and I were inspired by it and went out and cut some branches from a tree and made paper origami birds to hang on it. It is so pretty. I'll take a picture and send it your way. XXXXX Gloria

  5. Oh, my, but they will still taste good. Have a Happy Easter.

  6. Oh NO! I bet they still taste good. Can't really go wrong with chocolate right? :)
